Q: Must I register to order from you?
A: It's recommended but you don't have to. ONU Mall supports guest checkout. Registering with ONU Mall, however, allows us to provide you with better support and the whole registering process should take no more than 1 minutes. Register Here
Q: How to register on ONU Mall?
A: Click the 'Register' button at the top and fill in the registration information, and click 'Continue' . Please use your frequent email so we could reach and send you order information in the future.
Q: How to change my account password?
A: Sign in to your account.Click 'Change Password'on the left menu. Fill in the blanks and click the 'Change Password' button.
Q: How to add a new shipping address to my account?
1) Log in your account.
2) Go to 'My Profile” and then 'My Address'
3) Click the '+ New Address' button and fill in the table
4) Submit
Q: How do I Check out?
A: When you add what you like into your shopping cart, then You can click "Place your order". Then choose "Shipping Method" and "Payment Method", click "Complete your order".